Ensenada Food Bank - Help Needed
A Message from Sonia Blanket - City Community Affairs, Ensenada, BC, Mexico
We are now in the process of creating a "Food Bank" that extends beyond the range of Mayor Enrique Pelayo’s administration. To date our approach for help with our mission has been positive and have obtained support from produce growers, merchants, the local chamber of Commerce, and Bread factories among others. The Ensenada Food Bank, to become a reality, must be designed and structured as a long term program. This is why we are calling for assistance from good hearted persons, organizations and our business community to be part of a team that helps our kids at home as opposed to children in other countries. The contributions and/or volunteer potential is in place. We just need to make a strong call to all and team up behind this noble task.
In order to avoid using this initiative as a political tool, we are creating a collective force that
includes the local Chamber of Commerce, Canaco, and an Advisory Board. We are aware that
within Ensenada's International Relations, there are Sister Cities, Chambers of Commerce
and Non Profit and Religious Organizations that could also provide valuable assistance. And we welcome the large non Mexican community of Ensenadians that may wish to volunteer or may have experience or knowledge in the field of Food Bank charity programs.
and Non Profit and Religious Organizations that could also provide valuable assistance. And we welcome the large non Mexican community of Ensenadians that may wish to volunteer or may have experience or knowledge in the field of Food Bank charity programs.
We have already started but need additional help to increase coverage, and would appreciate your serious consideration to determine how you may help in our Endeavour. These kids need our help NOW!
Thank you so much for your attention to this matter,
Sonia Blanket
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