Mexico Travel…. Risk and Reward
I know this is an ongoing topic on our blog and many others, but since I just returned from Mexico, it seems completely relevant to me. I had lunch with friends today and was talking all about my trip, and, of course, the topic quickly jumped to the violence in Mexico. This subject always puts me on the nearest soapbox. So make room… I’m coming up!
So this is how it went… Someone had read on Facebook that someone had canceled a trip to Puerto Vallarta because of all the “murders” in Mexico. Let’s be real for a moment, and let’s take the time to read our news, understand some geography and put things in perspective. Are you going to skip that trip to L.A. at Christmas because you heard some gangs are killing each other in Oakland? It’s really the same thing, but since most people are geographically challenged when it comes to Mexico, things always have a negative spin. Mexico gets singled out over and over again by press who are determined to make sure you hear every detail so readers can perpetuate the “bad” while the country is fighting so hard to do some good. Okay, I understand the topic of danger in Mexico is once again front page news after the sad news out of Guadalajara last week. I get it. People are getting killed… and we all know how the American public has a morbid obsession with anything having to do with murder.